Thursday, December 28, 2006

PrintTicket Vs devmode

This is how the sequence flows.
Printer tells about its printer capabilities through the API device capability=>>
Apps read this info and provide the UI to the user to make some selection such as Page Size and orientation=>>
App fills the devmode structure with this info and send it to the printer with the printjob=>>
Printer reads this info and delivers the print job.
The devmode also has a private part which stores info about the printer model.
Everything is great with this design but there is a problem. Which is that the devmode cannot be attached to the print job.
In case of a printticket, the job settings are in XML format stored in a document. This xml specification is attached to the XPS job. The end user will be able to print the document exactly the way the developer of the document wanted it to be printed out. Like if I have a word document, I want it to be printed with 2 NUP duplex option, this info can be embedded with the document if you print it to a xps doc with the printticket in the xml format.

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