Thursday, September 27, 2007


PDL is page description language. Describes how a page is going to look for a printer. PCL is a PDL. And so is KPDL and PCL5e and PCL5c. PCL stands for Printer Command Language and not Printer Control Language. PJL is Print job language. This manages the job level control management such as separation between jobs and status reedback.

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What is Javascript and how it is different from Java Server pages (JSP)

Javascript is a scripting language and it is not code in Java. It is primarily used to write functions that are embedded in HTML. It is primarily used to do the following things
1. On the client side it can validate forms before submitting it to the server.
2. Opening up a new window with programmatically controlling the size.

JavaServerPages on the other hand are HTML+ Java code. The are written instead of servlets to dynamically render HTML pages. Instead of writing many println command to write html, we insert tags for java code in the html code. This creates a Java Server page.

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